Welcome to Grumpypup's Lures For Sale section. Come on in and take a look around. You'll find not only vintage and collectible lures, but fly rod lures and modern lures to fish with.
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EX-, $400
EX, $75
silver scale/red back, EX-, $40
perch scale, EX-, $30
EX, $35
EX, $50
EX, $20
EX/EX-, $300
NIB, $25
L-rig, EX-, $80
EX, $100
EX w/box, $150
VG+, $75
EX, $130
EX-, $25
EX, $275
EX-, w/box& paper, $250
EX w/box, $20
EX-, $40
CCBCO 300, Crawdad
EX w/box, $40
NP cup, NNOP, EX, $200
EX-, $125
Special, EX-, $45
VG+, $20
EX-, $275
wood, new, $25
GE, EX-, $200
EX, $60
EX, $25
VG+ w/box, $30